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We have combined the data of all the major telephone companies in Denmark, to provide a one-stop solution for teledata. It is updated daily, and contains all phonenumbers that the phone companies are legally bound to make available to us. We link these phone numbers to companies, enabling you to look up the number of a company, or the owner (company or person) of a number. Additionally, we look up numbers in the CVR registry and add those to the results if they add additional value.

This API requires a Teledata subcription

Contact Lasso X at or +45 7174 7812 for information

Find the number of a company

To retrieve the numbers of a company, provide the lassoid to the following endpoint:

            "cvr": 34580820,
            "pNumber": null,
            "telephoneNumber": 51906923,
            "added": "2020-06-25T04:20:31.103",
            "movementDate": null,
            "telephoneNumberRangeStartIdentifier": null,
            "telephoneNumberRangeEndIdentifier": null,
            "supplier": "Nuuday",
            "furtherUsageConsentIndicator": false,
            "furtherUsageConsentText": null
            "cvr": 34580820,
            "pNumber": null,
            "telephoneNumber": 71747812,
            "added": "2020-06-26T04:02:19.55",
            "movementDate": "2021-08-22T00:00:00",
            "telephoneNumberRangeStartIdentifier": null,
            "telephoneNumberRangeEndIdentifier": null,
            "supplier": "Nuuday",
            "furtherUsageConsentIndicator": false,
            "furtherUsageConsentText": ""

Note that the results contain a telephoneNumberRangeStartIdentifier and a telephoneNumberRangeEndIdentifier. If these are set, the phonenumbers from start to end are also valid for this company.

Find the owner of a number

To do a number lookup, use the following endpoint. Note that the company property is filled with data from CVR if the number belongs to a company, and the includeCompany boolean is set to true.

        "telephoneNumber": 71747812,
        "personFirstName": "",
        "personLastName": "",
        "organizationName": "Lasso X A/S",
        "cvr": 34580820,
        "company": {
            "localIdentifierTypeName": "CVR-nummer",
            "localIdentifier": "34580820",
            "accountNumber": null,
            "segment": null,
            "statusCode": "NORMAL",
            "statusText": "NORMAL",
            "companyType": "Aktieselskab",
            "employees": "10-19",
            "employeeCount": 13,
            "primaryIndustry": "Databehandling, webhosting og lignende serviceydelser",
            "primaryIndustryCode": "631100",
            "secondaryIndustry": "Konsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi",
            "secondaryIndustryCode": "620200",
            "primaryContact": null,
            "people": null,
            "name": "LASSO X A/S",
            "lassoId": "CVR-1-34580820",
            "entityType": "Company",
            "identifiers": null,
            "address1": "Toldbodgade 37B",
            "address2": "1253 København K",
            "zipCode": "1253",
            "postalCode": "1253",
            "city": "København K",
            "country": "Danmark",
            "telephone": "71747812",
            "fax": null,
            "email": "",
            "website": "",
            "houseNo": "37",
            "houseLetter": "B",
            "streetName": "Toldbodgade",
            "municipality": "KØBENHAVN"
        "streetName": "Rådhuspladsen",
        "districtSubdivisionIdentifier": "",
        "postOfficeBoxIdentifier": "",
        "streetCode": 6152,
        "streetNumber": "37",
        "floor": "1",
        "suite": "",
        "postalCode": 1550,
        "district": "København V",
        "municipalityCode": 101,
        "anonymousPrepaidIndicator": false,
        "supplier": "Nuuday",
        "telephoneNumberRangeStartIdentifier": null,
        "telephoneNumberRangeEndIdentifier": null,
        "telephoneSubscriberProtectionCode": "N",
        "added": "2020-06-30T04:19:55.263",
        "movementDate": "2021-08-22T00:00:00"