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Webhooks are used to return data when something happens, such as a change in a company in the CVR registry, or the completion of a report.

Whats in the payload?

The payload of the webhook is entirely dependent on the module in which it is used. Refer to the individual documentation below for further information.

Webhook Authentication

If your webhook requires authentication, it can be set up during webhook configuration. If you register the webhook programmatically, the JSON for a webhook config is of the format:

    "Method": "Header",
    "Key": "MyAuthHeader",
    "Value": "AuthKey"

The following authentication methods are supported:

  • Header: A HTTP Header with a header key and a header value.
  • BasicAuth: Uses the Authorization header, with key:UserName, value:password
  • Kerberos: Uses username and password with optional domain to auth with Kerberos. Key: domain@username and Value:password. Called with ImpersonationLevel: None, Preauthenticate: true, KeepAlive: true and AuthenticationLevel: MutualAuthRequested.

What if my webhook goes down?

If your webhook does not respond with a statuscode in the 200-299 range, we will retry up to 5 times in the next 24 hours, with an increasingly longer delay between each attempt. The first retry attempt will wait 5 minutes, then 30 minutes, then several hours. Each retry might have a little time added to it, in order to space out bursts of calls that may be overloading your webhook.

If your webhook does not respond succesfully to any requests at all in a 24-hour period, it will be disabled and you will receive a warning e-mail.

Available webhooks

Lasso can send various types of data to your webhooks:

  • Overvågning: Receive notifications when changes are made in the CVR registry.
  • Rapportering: Receive notifications when a report is created.