BBR (Bygnings- og Boligregistret) contains data about properties, buildings, and housing and business units in Denmark as well as related data. The API provides this data, including transcription of enumerated codes based on the official BBR instructions. The data is fetched through Datafordeleren in realtime, so that the data is always up to date.
The BBR data is made up of a hierachy of entities.
The top level of the data is a property. The property can contain a number of plots (given by the Plot
entity) and a number of buildings (given by Building
entities). Finally a building can contain a number of housing and business units (given by Unit
Getting a property summary
A property summary contains all the data directly related to a property, including plots, buildings, units, and technical installations.
We can get a property summary using the following query:
"oispdfDownloadLink": "",
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"ownership": {
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"owningPeople": [
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"actualOwnershipDenominator": 100,
"actualOwnershipNumerator": 50,
"businessEvent": "Ukendt - konverteret fra ESR",
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"businessProcess": "Konvertering fra ESR",
"isPrimaryContact": false,
"registrationFrom": "2016-05-24T09:40:54+02:00",
"registrationActor": "Konvertering fra ESR",
"status": "gældende",
"activeFrom": "2006-11-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"activationActor": "GST Konvertering",
"owningEntity": {
"firstName": "Fornavn",
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"address": "Adresse",
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"parcelIds": [
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"landLotName": "Gentofte"
"buildingId": "f8b4b693-8c3a-420e-aa74-e8ac35a51fe4",
"floorId": "057b2c41-09fb-4343-a186-c5557f4577d9",
"stairwayId": "80cc5971-60a3-429f-b4c5-90fc54cefe4b",
"addressID": "0a3f50a3-c59f-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
"isCondo": false,
"isHome": true,
"hasKitchen": true,
"id": "95f821cb-cdc5-4600-9360-11e9a281655e",
"lastUpdated": "2019-05-11T02:34:14+02:00",
"registrationFrom": "2018-09-14T19:06:19+02:00",
"registrationTo": null,
"registrationActor": "BBR",
"activeFrom": "2018-09-14T19:06:19+02:00",
"activeTo": null,
"activationActor": "BBR",
"statusCode": 6,
"status": "Opført",
"municipalityCode": 157,
"businessEvent": "Enhed",
"businessArea": "",
"businessProcessCode": 0,
"businessProcess": "Ikke angivet"
"plotId": "d89ecde0-58e6-49b2-a8af-524f5219a105",
"houseNumber": "0a3f507b-e37a-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
"parcelId": 333989,
"isBuildingOnForeignPlot": false,
"id": "f8b4b693-8c3a-420e-aa74-e8ac35a51fe4",
"lastUpdated": "2019-05-09T06:52:25+02:00",
"registrationFrom": "2017-08-18T23:58:32+02:00",
"registrationTo": null,
"registrationActor": "BBR",
"activeFrom": "2017-08-18T23:58:32+02:00",
"activeTo": null,
"activationActor": "EksterntSystem",
"statusCode": 6,
"status": "Opført",
"municipalityCode": 157,
"businessEvent": "Bygning",
"businessArea": "",
"businessProcessCode": 25,
"businessProcess": "SKATServices"
"errorMessage": "No results matching the parameters were found",
"httpStatusCode": 404,
"errorCode": 40
Below is an overview of the data contained in a property summary. For the available fields of each entity, see Entities and fields.
// a url to download the BBR summary PDF from
"oispdfDownloadLink": String,
// the list of relations to the property (ejendomsrelation)
"propertyRelations": [],
// list of plots (grunde)
"plots": [],
// technical installations (tekniske anlæg)
"technicalInstallations": [],
// buildings (bygninger)
"buildings": [
// floors (etager)
"floors": [],
// stairways (opgange)
"stairways": [],
// units (enheder)
"units": []
Use the parameter
to look up a property based of the BFE number property or a combination ofpropertynumber
to look up a property based on the municipal property number
The BBR message contains data for one property, as defined in a PropertyRelation
entity. The municipal property number (ejendomsnummer) can be related to multiple properties, given as multiple property relations with separate BFE numbers. A property can be related to a plot (grund) or plots, a building on a foreign or leased plot (bygning på fremmed grund), or an independently owned apartment or condominium (ejerlejlighed). It furthermore contains data on all plots, buildings, units, and technical installations on the property, as relevent to the given property. This data can be compared the BBR-Meddelelse pdf, which can be downloaded from A download link is also provided in the field oispdfDownloadLink
. Ownership information for the searched property is fetched from the property ownership registry (Ejerfortegnelsen).
The following parameters can be used to look up a BBR message
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
bfenumber | Integer | The BFE number (BFE nummer) of the plot | |
propertynumber | Integer | The municipal property (ejendomsnummer) number of the property (municipality must be given) | |
municipality | Integer | The municipality code (kommunekode), where the property is located (propertynumber must be given) | |
includeAddress | Boolean | true | Include address lookups for all entities that have one associated |
Fields that are null
in the response from the API are not present in the response from Datafordeleren.
Entities and fields
Below is a detailed overview of the data available from BBR, including entities and their respective fields. Fields marked with an *
contain text translated from the enumerated code received from BBR. For a full list of the enumerations see the BBR code lists and for further description of the data see the BBR instructions.
Common Fields for All BBR Entities
All data from BBR contain a number of fixed fields, which can be found on all entities.
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
id_lokalId | id |
datafordelerOpdateringstid | lastUpdated |
registreringFra | registrationFrom |
registreringTil | registrationTo |
registreringsaktør | registrationActor |
virkningFra | activeFrom |
virkningTil | activeTo |
virkningsaktør | activationActor |
status | statusCode |
status | status* |
kommunekode | municipalityCode |
forretningshændelse | businessEvent |
forretningsområde | businessArea |
forretningsproces | businessProcessCode |
forretningsproces | businessProcess* |
Property Relation
These are the available fields for property relation (ejendomsrelation).
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
bfeNummer | bfeNumber |
ejendomsnummer | propertyNumber |
ejendomstype | propertyTypeCode |
ejendomstype | propertyType* |
ejerlejlighed | apartmentBFENumber |
ejerlejlighedsnummer | apartmentNumber |
ejendommensEjerforholdskode | ownershipStateCode |
ejendommensEjerforholdskode | ownershipState* |
tinglystAreal | registeredArea |
ejerskab (ejerfortegnelsen) | ownership (see ownership documentation) |
These are the available fields for a plot (grund).
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
gru009Vandforsyning | waterSupplyCode |
gru009Vandforsyning | waterSupply* |
gru010Afløbsforhold | drainageCode |
gru010Afløbsforhold | drainage* |
gru500Notatlinjer | noteLines |
adgangsadresse | accessAddress (see address documentation) |
husnummer | houseNumber |
jordstykkeList | parcelIds |
bestemtFastEjendom | propertyRelation |
These are the available fields for a building (bygning).
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
byg007Bygningsnummer | buildingNumber |
byg021BygningensAnvendelse | buildingUsageCode |
byg021BygningensAnvendelse | buildingUsage* |
byg026Opførelsesår | constructionYear |
byg027OmTilbygningsår | reconstructionOrExtensionYear |
byg032YdervæggensMateriale | outerWallMaterialCode |
byg032YdervæggensMateriale | outerWallMaterial* |
byg033Tagdækningsmateriale | roofCoverMaterialCode |
byg033Tagdækningsmateriale | roofCoverMaterial* |
byg037KildeTilBygningensMaterialer | sourceOfBuildingMaterialsCode |
byg037KildeTilBygningensMaterialer | sourceOfBuildingMaterials* |
byg038SamletBygningsareal | totalBuildingArea |
byg039BygningensSamledeBoligAreal | residentialBuildingArea |
byg040BygningensSamledeErhvervsAreal | businessBuildingArea |
byg041BebyggetAreal | builtArea |
byg042ArealIndbyggetGarage | areaOfBuiltInGarage |
byg043ArealIndbyggetCarport | areaOfBuiltInCarport |
byg044ArealIndbyggetUdhus | areaOfBuiltInSunroom |
byg045ArealIndbyggetUdestueEllerLign | areaOfBuiltInSunroomOrSimilar |
byg046SamletArealAfLukkedeOverdækningerPåBygningen | totalAreaOfClosedCoveringOnBuilding |
byg047ArealAfAffaldsrumITerrænniveau | areaOfGarbageRoomInTerrainLevel |
byg048AndetAreal | otherAreaNotResidenceOrBusiness |
byg049ArealAfOverdækketAreal | areaOfCoveredAreas |
byg050ArealÅbneOverdækningerPåBygningenSamlet | totalAreaOfOpenCoveringsOnBuilding) |
byg051Adgangsareal | accessArea |
byg053BygningsarealerKilde | sourceOfBuildingAreasCode |
byg053BygningsarealerKilde | sourceOfBuildingAreas* |
byg054AntalEtager | numberOfFloors |
byg056Varmeinstallation | heatingInstallationCode |
byg056Varmeinstallation | heatingInstallation* |
byg057Opvarmningsmiddel | heatingMediumCode |
byg057Opvarmningsmiddel | heatingMedium* |
byg058SupplerendeVarme | additionalHeatingCode |
byg058SupplerendeVarme | additionalHeating* |
byg094Revisionsdato | revisionDate |
byg130ArealAfUdvendigEfterisolering | areaOfExternalWallInsulation |
byg133KildeTilKoordinatsæt | sourceOfCoordinateSetCode |
byg133KildeTilKoordinatsæt | sourceOfCoordinateSet* |
byg134KvalitetAfKoordinatsæt | qualityOfCoordinateSetCode |
byg134KvalitetAfKoordinatsæt | qualityOfCoordinateSet* |
byg135SupplerendeOplysningOmKoordinatsæt | additionalInformationAboutCoordinateSetCode |
byg135SupplerendeOplysningOmKoordinatsæt | additionalInformationAboutCoordinateSet* |
byg136PlaceringPåSøterritorie | placementInSeaTerritory |
byg404Koordinat | coordinate |
byg406Koordinatsystem | coordinateSystemCode |
byg406Koordinatsystem | coordinateSystem* |
byg500Notatlinjer | noteLines |
samlet kælderareal | totalBasementArea |
kælderareal under 1.25m | basementAreaUnder1point25m |
samlet tagetageareal | totalRoofFloorArea |
udnyttet tagetage | usedRoofFloorArea |
antal boliger med køkken | numberOfHomesWithKitchen |
antal boliger uden køkken | numberOfHomesWithoutKitchen |
adgangsadresse | accessAddress (see address documentation) |
etageList | floors (see floor fields) |
opgangList | stairways (see stairway fields) |
grund | plotId |
husnummer | houseNumber |
jordstykke | parcelId |
bygningPåFremmedGrundList | propertyRelations |
bygning på fremmed grund | isBuildingOnForeignPlot |
For buildings additional subtypes are for floors (etage) and stairways (opgang) are listed in etageList
and opgangsList
Floor fields
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
eta006BygningensEtagebetegnelse | buildingFloorDesignation |
eta020SamletArealAfEtage | totalFloorArea |
eta021ArealAfUdnyttetDelAfTagetage | areaOfUsedPartOfRoofFloor |
eta022Kælderareal | basementArea |
eta023ArealAfLovligBeboelseIKælder | legalResidentialAreaInBasement |
eta024EtagensAdgangsareal | floorAccessArea |
eta025Etagetype | isRoofFloor |
eta026ErhvervIKælder. | businessAreaInBasement |
eta500Notatlinjer | noteLines |
bygning | buildingId |
Stairway fields
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
adgangFraHusnummer | accessFromHouseNumber |
opg020Elevator | hasElevator |
opg500Notatlinjer | noteLines |
adgangFraHusnummer | accessFromAddress (see address documentation) |
bygning | buildingId |
Unit (Enhed)
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
enh023Boligtype | propertyTypeCode |
enh023Boligtype | propertyType* |
enh020EnhedensAnvendelse | unitUsageCode |
enh020EnhedensAnvendelse | unitUsage* |
enh026EnhedensSamledeAreal | totalArea |
enh027ArealTilBeboelse | areaForResidence |
enh028ArealTilErhverv | areaForBusiness |
enh029TinglystAreal | registeredArea |
enh030KildeTilEnhedensArealer | sourceOfUnitAreasCode |
enh030KildeTilEnhedensArealer | sourceOfUnitAreas* |
enh031AntalVærelser | numberOfRooms |
enh032Toiletforhold | toiletFacilitiesCode |
enh032Toiletforhold | toiletFacilities* |
enh065AntalVandskylledeToiletter | numberOfToilets |
enh033Badeforhold | bathroomFacilitesCode |
enh033Badeforhold | bathroomFacilites* |
enh066AntalBadeværelser | numberOfBathrooms |
enh034Køkkenforhold | kitchenFacilitiesCode |
enh034Køkkenforhold | kitchenFacilities* |
enh035Energiforsyning | energySupplyCode |
enh035Energiforsyning | energySupply* |
enh039AndetAreal | otherArea |
enh045Udlejningsforhold | rentalStatusCode |
enh045Udlejningsforhold | rentalStatus* |
enh048GodkendtTomBolig | approvedEmptyHousingCode |
enh048GodkendtTomBolig | approvedEmptyHousing* |
enh060EnhedensAndelFællesAdgangsareal | unitPartOfCommonAccessArea |
enh061ArealAfÅbenOverdækning | areaOfOpenCovering |
enh062ArealAfLukketOverdækningUdestue | areaOfClosedCoveringOrSunroom |
enh063AntalVærelserTilErhverv | numberOfRoomsForBusiness |
enh129Tagterasse | unitHasRoofTerrace |
enh130Altan | unitHasBalcony |
enh500Notatlinjer | noteLines |
adresse | address (see address documentation) |
bygning | buildingId |
etage | floorId |
opgang | stairwayId |
adresseIdentificerer | addressID |
ejerlejlighedList | propertyRelations |
ejerlejlighed | isCondo |
Technical Installation
These are the available fields for technical installation (teknisk anlæg).
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
tek007Anlægsnummer | installationNumber |
tek020Klassifikation | classificationCode |
tek020Klassifikation | classification* |
tek021FabrikatType | fabricationType |
tek024Etableringsår | installationYear |
tek025TilOmbygningsår | reconstructionOrExtensionYear |
tek026StørrelsesklasseOlietank | sizeClassCode |
tek026StørrelsesklasseOlietank | sizeClass* |
tek027Placering | placementCode |
tek027Placering | placement* |
tek028SløjfningOlietank | decommissionCode |
tek028SløjfningOlietank | decommission* |
tek030Fabrikationsnummer | fabricationNumber |
tek031Typegodkendelsesnummer | typeApprovalNumber |
tek032Størrelse (liter) | size |
tek034IndholdOlietank | oiltankContentCode |
tek034IndholdOlietank | oiltankContent* |
tek036Rumfang (kubikmeter) | volume |
tek037Areal (kvadratmeter) | area |
tek038Højde (meter) | height |
tek039Effekt (kilowatt) | power |
tek042Revisionsdato | revisionDate |
tek045Koordinatsystem | coordinateSystemCode |
tek045Koordinatsystem | coordinateSystem* |
tek067Fabrikationsår | fabricationYear |
tek072Sløjfningsår | decommissionYear |
tek076KildeTilKoordinatsæt | sourceOfCoordinateSetCode |
tek076KildeTilKoordinatsæt | sourceOfCoordinateSet* |
tek077KvalitetAfKoordinatsæt | qualityOfCoordinateSetCode |
tek077KvalitetAfKoordinatsæt | qualityOfCoordinateSet* |
tek078SupplerendeOplysningOmKoordinatsæt | additionalInformationAboutCoordinateSetCode |
tek078SupplerendeOplysningOmKoordinatsæt | additionalInformationAboutCoordinateSet* |
tek106InspektionsdatoTank | inspectionDateTank |
tek107PlaceringPåSøterritorie | placementInSeaTerritory |
tek109Koordinat | coordinate |
tek110Driftstatus | operationStatusCode |
tek110Driftstatus | operationStatus* |
tek500Notatlinjer | noteLines |
adgangsadresse | accessAddress (see address documentation) |
grund | plotId |
husnummer | houseNumber |
jordstykke | parcelId |
Different BBR entities contain either the exact address or an access address. The data is fetched from DAWA. See DAWA documentation for more info.
Name in DAWA | API name |
adressebetegnelse | addressText |
etage | floor |
dør | door |
vejstykke.navn | streetName |
vejstykke.kode | streetCode |
husnr | houseNo | | postalCode |
postnummer.navn | city |
supplerendebynavn | additionalCity |
kommune.kode | municipalityCode |
kommune.navn | municipalityName |
region.kode | regionCode |
region.navn | regionName |
matrikelnr | cadastralNumber |
ejerlav.kode | landLotCode |
ejerlave.navn | landLotName |
Foreign address
For people residing abroad, where the address
is empty, the field foreignAddress
can contain an address of the following format instead.
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
UdrejseIndrejse.Udenlandsadresse.addresselinje1 | addressLine1 |
UdrejseIndrejse.Udenlandsadresse.addresselinje2 | addressLine2 |
UdrejseIndrejse.Udenlandsadresse.addresselinje3 | addressLine3 |
UdrejseIndrejse.Udenlandsadresse.addresselinje4 | addressLine4 |
UdrejseIndrejse.Udenlandsadresse.addresselinje5 | addressLine5 |
Alternative address
When dealing with ownerships and the owning entity is of type "Other" (see Other owning entity), then the address format is similar to a Foreign address, but also containing another numeric field countryCodeNumeric
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
AlternativAdresse.landeKodeNumerisk | countryCodeNumeric |
AlternativAdresse.addresselinje1 | addressLine1 |
AlternativAdresse.addresselinje2 | addressLine2 |
AlternativAdresse.addresselinje3 | addressLine3 |
AlternativAdresse.addresselinje4 | addressLine4 |
AlternativAdresse.addresselinje5 | addressLine5 |
The ownership data is fetched based on the BFE/property number, and can contain a number of owning entities. The entities can be either companies or people, so the object splits them in to two arrays name owningCompanies
and owningPeople
. Both types contain a number of shared properties pertaining to the ownership, and an owningEntity
object, which contains data about the company or the person. Furthermore each owningEntity
object contains an entityType
field, which is "Company"
for companies, "Person"
for people and "Other"
for the case where the type cannot be identified.
Name in Datafordeleren | API name |
id_lokalId | id |
bestemtFastEjendomBFENr | bfeNumber |
ejerforholdskode | ownershipCode |
ejetFoer01071998 | ownedBefore01071998 |
faktiskEjerandel_naevner | actualOwnershipDenominator |
faktiskEjerandel_taeller | actualOwnershipNumerator |
forretningshaendelse | businessEvent |
forretningsomraade | businessArea |
forretningsproces | businessProcess |
primaerKontakt | isPrimaryContact |
registreringFra | registrationFrom |
registreringsaktoer | registrationActor |
status | status |
virkningFra | activeFrom |
virkningsaktoer | activationActor |
ejendeVirksomhed or ejendePerson | owningEntity |
Owning Company
If the owning entity is a company, it will contain the following fields (from ejendeVirksomhed.attributes
in Datafordeleren).
Name in Datafordeleren | API name | Possible values |
- | entityType | 'Company' |
registreringFra | registrationFrom | |
registreringsaktoer | registrationActor | |
status | status | |
virkningFra | activeFrom | |
virkningsaktoer | activationActor | |
CVRNummer | cvrNumber | |
reklamebeskyttelse | commerciallyProtected | |
navn | name |
Owning Person
If the owning entity is a person, it will contain the following fields (from ejendePerson.Person
in Datafordeleren).
Name in Datafordeleren | API name | Possible values |
- | entityType | 'Person' |
Navn.adresseringsnavn | firstName | |
Navn.adresseringsnavn | lastName | |
CprAdresse | address | |
UdrejseIndrejse.Udenlandsadresse | foreignAddress | |
Beskyttelser | protections | lokal_vejviser markedsfoering navne_og_adresse kreditadvarsel |
Other owning entity
Sometimes the type of owning entity is unknown, for which the the object will only contain a name and a foreign address
Name in Datafordeleren | API name | Possible values |
- | entityType | 'Other' |
navn | name | |
alternativAdresse | address (see alternative address) |