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CVR Data

This section contains information about the data available from the Danish Business Authority (CVR). This includes, but is not limited to, companies, people, production units, ownerships and reports.

Lasso also provides calculated data such as personal networks, ownership hiearchies and more. These are available from the Modules section in the menu.

Basic info (Staminformation)

There is a lot of different data you can retrieve from the CVR registry, and most fields include a complete history of values for the various datapoints. To make it as easy as possible to use, we have created two different versions of the data you can retrieve depending on your requirements; the current values or the entire history.

You can retrieve information on companies, production units, and people. Don't forget to add your API key.

The endpoint for all types is simply{lassoid}, where {lassoid} is a Lasso Id for a CVR entity. To retrieve the history, append /history, which will include all data wrapped in an object containing to and from values.

Below are examples of both endpoints for each type of entity, companies, people and production units.


The following is an example of how to get data from CVR about a specific company.

    "lassoId": "CVR-1-23452345",
    "cvr": 23452345,
    "unitNumber": 4001100400,
    "name": "AKTIESELSKABET A/S",
    "status": "NORMAL",
    "lastStatusChange": "2022-04-27T00:00:00",
        "statusCode": 1,
        "statusText": "Dekret",
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        "creditText": "Konkurs"
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        "from": "2012-05-14T00:00:00",
        "to": null
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    "email": "",
    "fax": null,
    "website": "",
    "purpose": "Selskabets formål er at drive virksomhed med databehandling, webhosting og yde serviceydelser.",
    "powerToBind": "Selskabet tegnes af et bestyrelsesmedlem i forening med en direktør eller af to direktører i forening",
    "commerciallyProtected": false,
    "publicallyTraded": false,
    "byLawsChanged": "2019-07-15T00:00:00",
    "creationDate": "2012-05-14T00:00:00",
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                "from": "2016-03-10T00:00:00"
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                "name": "HOLDINGSELSKABET ApS",
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                "cvr": 43214321,
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                    "mainType": "REGISTER",
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                            "type": "EJERANDEL_MEDDELELSE_DATO",
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        "exempt": false, // deprecated - do not use 
        "exemptionStatus": "NOT EXEMPT",
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    "lastUpdated": "2020-11-03T02:12:07"

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True ownership (Reelle ejere)

The trueownership data contains some complex logic based on Danish legislation regarding registration of true ownership. To read more about that in Danish, click here.


The following is an example of how to get data from CVR about a specific person.

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Production units

The following is an example of how to get data from CVR about a specific place.

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                "code": "631100"
            "from": "2014-06-03T00:00:00",
            "to": null,
            "current": true
    "altIndustry1": [{
            "value": {
                "text": "Konsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi",
                "code": "620200"
            "from": "2012-05-15T00:00:00",
            "to": null,
            "current": true
    "altIndustry2": [{
            "value": {
                "text": "Anden udgivervirksomhed",
                "code": "581900"
            "from": "2017-01-19T00:00:00",
            "to": null,
            "current": true
    "altIndustry3": [],
    "employees": [ {
            "value": {
                "interval": "ANTAL_20_49",
                "type": "Yearly",
                "month": 1,
                "year": 2018
            "from": "2018-01-01T00:00:00",
            "to": "2018-12-31T00:00:00",
            "current": false
            "value": {
                "interval": "ANTAL_20_49",
                "type": "Quarterly",
                "month": 7,
                "year": 2019,
                "quarter": 3
            "from": "2019-07-01T00:00:00",
            "to": "2019-09-30T00:00:00",
            "current": false
            "value": {
                "count": 15,
                "fullTimeEquivalentCount": 13.0,
                "interval": "ANTAL_10_19",
                "type": "Monthly",
                "month": 9,
                "year": 2020
            "from": "2020-09-01T00:00:00",
            "to": "2020-09-30T00:00:00",
            "current": false
        }, {
            "value": {
                "count": 14,
                "fullTimeEquivalentCount": 12.0,
                "interval": "ANTAL_10_19",
                "type": "Monthly",
                "month": 10,
                "year": 2020
            "from": "2020-10-01T00:00:00",
            "to": "2020-10-31T00:00:00",
            "current": false
    "lastUpdated": "2018-08-10T13:47:01"

You can retrieve entities related to other entities, using the endpoint(s) below. As with basic info, you can retrieve the current version or the history version.


Currently, the supported relations you can retrieve are:

Type Related Type Example
Company Person, Place returns participants of Lasso X (cvr no. 23452345).
Place Company returns the the parent company of a production unit.

Key Figures (Nøgletal)

Key Figures in Denmark are reported in the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format. This format can be cumbersome to understand, and a full-time job to maintain as semantics and convention can change yearly. To counter that, we convert those XBRL documents into easy-to-understand JSON, while still maintaining the link to the original XBRL.

To retrieve key figures for a company, you can use the following endpoint:

        "groupReport": {
            // If the report contains the report of the Company Group (koncernregnskab), this will contain it, in the same format as a normal report, otherwise the property will not be present.
        "cvr": 34580820,
        "reportType": "Yearly",
        "period": {
            "from": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
            "to": "2020-12-31T00:00:00",
            "instant": null
        "publicationTime": "2021-05-31T09:02:47",
        "reportUrl": "",
        "xbrlUrl": "",
        "reportYear": 2020,
        "currencies": [
        "administrativeExpenses": null,
        "assets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 12964887,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "auditors": [
                "companyName": "Baker Tilly Denmark",
                "companyCVR": 35257691,
                "id": "mne32172",
                "name": "Morten Schwensen",
                "title": "statsautoriseret revisor"
        "auditorSignatureDate": {
            "value": "2021-05-10T00:00:00",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "bankCVR": null,
        "bankName": null,
        "capital": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 1737691,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "cashHoldings": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 2310832,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "classOfReportingEntity": {
            "value": "Regnskabsklasse B",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "coverage": null,
        "currentAssets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 5234250,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "debt": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 12876409,
            "calculation": "LiabilitiesAndEquity - Equity",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "deferredTaxAssets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 303646,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "depreciations": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": -1600097,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "descriptionOfQualifications": null,
        "dividend": null,
        "ebitda": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 2234313,
            "calculation": "ProfitLossFromOrdinaryOperatingActivities - DepreciationAmortisationExpenseAndImpairmentLossesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAndIntangibleAssetsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "employeeExpenses": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 4305096,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": true,
            "error": false
        "employees": {
            "unit": "pure",
            "value": 12,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "equityExcludingDividend": null,
        "equity": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 88478,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "equityLoan": null,
        "equityReturn": {
            "unit": "Percentage",
            "value": 118.93012952372341,
            "calculation": "(ProfitLossFromOrdinaryActivitiesBeforeTax / Equity) * 100",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "externalExpenses": null,
        "financialFixedAssets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 122625,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "goingConcern": null,
        "grossResult": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 6539409,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "intangibleFixedAssets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 7286236,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "inventories": null,
        "landAndBuildings": null,
        "liabilitiesAndEquity": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 12964887,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "liquidityRatio": {
            "unit": "Percentage",
            "value": 70.22733840903096,
            "calculation": "(CurrentAssets / ShorttermLiabilitiesOtherThanProvisions) * 100",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "longtermInvestmentsInAssociates": null,
        "longtermInvestmentsInGroupEnterprises": null,
        "longtermLiabilities": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 5423115,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "longtermPayablesToGroupEnterprises": null,
        "longtermReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises": null,
        "managementsReview": null,
        "nonCurrentAssets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 7730637,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "operatingMargin": null,
        "opinionOnFinancialStatements": {
            "value": "Vi har revideret...",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "otherFinanceExpenses": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 539178,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "otherFinanceIncome": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 10189,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "pensions": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 502445,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "profitFromOrdinaryOperatingActivities": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 634216,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "propertyCost": null,
        "provisions": null,
        "reportingCompanyName": {
            "value": "Lasso X A/S",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "result": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 255267,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "resultBeforeTax": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 105227,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "revenue": null,
        "roi": {
            "unit": "Percentage",
            "value": 4.891797360054121,
            "calculation": "(ProfitLossFromOrdinaryOperatingActivities / Assets) * 100",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "salaries": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 7009831,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "shorttermInvestments": null,
        "shorttermLiabilities": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 7453294,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "shorttermPayablesToGroupEnterprises": null,
        "shorttermTaxPayablesToGroupEnterprises": null,
        "shorttermReceivables": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 2923418,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "shorttermReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises": null,
        "shorttermTaxReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises": null,
        "shorttermReceivablesFromOwnersAndManagement": null,
        "shorttermTradeReceivables": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 1563168,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "shorttermTradePayables": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 68837,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "socialSecurityExpenses": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 85819,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "solvencyRatio": {
            "unit": "Percentage",
            "value": 0.6824432792973822,
            "calculation": "(Equity / Assets) * 100",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "solvencyRatioExcludingDividend": null,
        "submittingCompanyCVR": {
            "unit": "CVR",
            "value": 35257691,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "submittingCompanyName": {
            "value": "Baker Tilly Denmark",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "supplementaryInformation": [],
        "tangibleFixedAssets": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": 321776,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "taxExpense": {
            "unit": "DKK",
            "value": -150040,
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "typeOfAuditorAssistance": {
            "value": "Revision",
            "sources": [
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        "typeOfBasisForModifiedOpinion": null
    // Additional reports omitted for brevity..

To retrieve only the latest report for a company, use the following endpoint:


To retrieve the latest visual report (PDF/TIFF/iXBRL), you can use the following endpoint. Note that while PDF is the most common file extension, some reports are published in TIFF format and some in iXBRL (xhtml+xml).


If you only need metadata about the report, you can use the 'metadataOnly' parameter, which is faster than retrieving the full report:

   "cvr": 34580820,
   "reportType": "Yearly",
   "reportYear": 2022,
   "publicationTime": "2023-05-24T21:56:54",
   "reportUrl": "",
   "xbrlUrl": "",
   "documents": [{
           "url": "",
           "cvrUrl": "",
           "mimeType": "application/xml",
           "type": "AARSRAPPORT",
           "reportType": "Yearly",
           "lastUpdated": null
       }, {
           "url": "",
           "cvrUrl": "",
           "mimeType": "application/pdf",
           "type": "AARSRAPPORT",
           "reportType": "Yearly",
           "lastUpdated": null
   "period": {
       "from": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
       "to": "2022-12-31T00:00:00",
       "instant": null


The key figures are returned in the following format:

    "revenue": { // see list below for the available fields
        "unit": "DKK", // the reported currency or unit.
        "value": 1568076, // the value of the reported key figure. Type can vary depending on the type of the key figure.
        "sources": ["Revenue"], // The XBRL-field(s) used to obtain this key figure.
        "calculation": null, // if calculated field, the calculation will be included here.
        "possibleError": false,
        "error": false

We run statistical analysis on the data in realtime in an attempt to catch errors and discrepancies in the XBRL file. If we believe it might be an error, possibleError will be true. In some cases we are certain data is erroneous, in which case error will be true. In both cases we urge you to check the value from the report linked in the reportUrl property, as these are more likely to be correct.

Available fields

We include a large amount of fields from the XBRL data. Some of them are taken directly from the XBRL file, some are calculations based on raw data, and some are combinations of fields to make up for missing data. It all depends on the taxonomy of the XBRL file and the data made available. Below is a reference list of all fields currently included.

Click to view available fields
Name Danish Name Type XBRL Example field
administrativeExpenses Administrationsomkostninger Decimal AdministrativeExpenses
assets Aktiver Decimal Assets
auditors Revisorer List of auditors
bankCVR Tilknyttet bank CVR Integer IdentificationNumberCvrOfFinancialInstitution
bankName Tilknyttet bank navn String NameOfFinancialInstitution
capital Registreret kapital mv. Decimal ContributedCapital
cashHoldings Likvider Decimal CashAndCashEquivalents
classOfReportingEntity Regnskabsklasse String ClassOfReportingEntity
coverage Dækningsgrad Percentage
completedDevelopmentProjects Færdiggjorte udviklingsprojekter Decimal CompletedDevelopmentProjects
costOfProduction Produktionsomkostninger Decimal CostOfProduction
currentAssets Omsætningsaktiver Decimal CurrentAssets
debt Gæld Decimal
deferredIncomeAssets Periodeafgrænsningsposter Decimal DeferredIncomeAssets
deferredTaxAssets Udskudte skatteaktiver Decimal CurrentDeferredTaxAssets
depreciations Afskrivninger Decimal DepreciationAmortisationExpenseAndImpairmentLossesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAndIntangibleAssetsRecognisedInProfitOrLoss
descriptionOfPrimaryActivities Beskrivelse af virksomhedens væsentligste aktiviteter String DescriptionOfPrimaryActivitiesOfEntity
descriptionOfQualifications Forbehold String DescriptionOfQualificationsOfFinancialStatementsExtendedReview
developmentProjectsInProgressAndPrepaymentsForIntangibleAssets Udviklingsprojekter under udførelse og forudbetalinger for immaterielle anlægsaktiver Decimal DevelopmentProjectsInProgressAndPrepaymentsForIntangibleAssets
dividend Udbytte Decimal Dividend
ebitda EBITDA Decimal
employeeExpenses Personaleomkostninger Decimal EmployeeBenefitsExpense
employees Antal ansatte Decimal AverageNumberOfEmployees
equity Egenkapital Decimal Equity
equityLoan Ansvarlig lånekapital Decimal EquityLoan
equityReturn Egenkapitalens forrentning Percentage
externalExpenses Eksterne omkostninger Decimal ExternalExpenses
extraordinaryExpenses Ekstraordinære omkostninger Decimal ExtraordinaryExpenses
financialFixedAssets Finansielle anlægsaktiver Decimal LongtermInvestmentsAndReceivables
fixturesFittingsToolsAndEquipment Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar Decimal FixturesFittingsToolsAndEquipment
goingConcern Oplysning om usikkerhed om going concern String DisclosureOfUncertaintiesRelatingToGoingConcern
goodwill Goodwill Decimal Goodwill
grossResult Bruttoresultat Decimal GrossResult
intangibleFixedAssets Immaterielle anlægsaktiver Decimal IntangibleAssets
inventories Varebeholdninger Decimal Inventories
landAndBuildings Grunde og bygninger Decimal LandAndBuildings
liabilitiesAndEquity Passiver Decimal LiabilitiesAndEquity
liquidityRatio Likviditetsgrad Percentage
longtermDebtToBanks Langfristet gæld til banker Decimal LongtermDebtToBanks
longtermDebtToCreditInstitutions Langfristet gæld til kreditinstituter Decimal LongtermDebtToCreditInstitutions
longtermDeferredIncome Langfristede Periodeafgrænsningsposter Decimal LongtermDeferredIncome
longtermEquityLoan Langfristet ansvarlig lånekapital Decimal longtermEquityLoan
longtermInvestmentsInAssociates Kapitalandele i associerede virksomheder (langfristede) Decimal LongtermInvestmentsInAssociates
longtermInvestmentsInGroupEnterprises Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder (langfristede) Decimal LongtermInvestmentsInGroupEnterprises
longtermLiabilities Langfristede forpligtelser Decimal LongtermLiabilitiesOtherThanProvisions
longtermMortgageDebt Langfristet gæld til realkreditinstitutter Decimal LongtermMortgageDebt
longtermParticipatingInterests Langfristede kapitalinteresser Decimal LongtermParticipatingInterests
longtermPayablesToGroupEnterprises Langfristet gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal LongtermPayablesToGroupEnterprises
longtermPayablesToParticipatingInterests Langfristet gæld til kapitalinteresser Decimal LongtermPayablesToParticipatingInterests
longtermPrepaymentsReceivedFromCustomers Modtagne forudbetalinger fra kunder (langfristet) Decimal LongtermPrepaymentsReceivedFromCustomers
longtermReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises Langfristede tilgodehavender fra tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal LongtermReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises
longtermReceivablesFromOwnersAndManagement Langfristede tilgodehavender fra virksomhedsdeltagere og ledelse Decimal LongtermReceivablesFromOwnersAndManagement
longtermReceivablesFromParticipatingInterest Langfristede tilgodehavender fra kapitalinteresser Decimal LongtermReceivablesFromParticipatingInterest
managementsReview Ledelsesberetning String ManagementsReview
minorityInterests Minoritetsinteresser Decimal MinorityInterests
nonCurrentAssets Anlægsaktiver Decimal NoncurrentAssets
operatingMargin Overskudsgrad Percentage
opinionOnFinancialStatements Konklusion String TypeOfBasisForModifiedOpinionOnAuditedFinancialStatements
otherFinanceExpenses Øvrige finansielle omkostninger Decimal OtherFinanceExpenses
otherFinanceIncome Andre finansielle indtægter Decimal OtherFinanceIncome
otherFinanceIncomeFromGroupEnterprises Andre finansielle indtægter fra tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal OtherFinanceIncomeFromGroupEnterprises
otherLongtermInvestments Andre værdipapirer og kapitalandele (langfristet) Decimal OtherLongtermInvestments
otherLongtermReceivables Andre tilgodehavender (langfristet) Decimal OtherLongtermReceivables
otherShorttermInvestments Andre værdipapirer og kapitalandele (kortfristet) Decimal OtherShorttermInvestments
otherOperatingExpenses Andre driftsomkostninger Decimal OtherOperatingExpenses
otherOperatingIncome Andre driftsindtægter Decimal OtherOperatingIncome
otherReserves Andre reserver Decimal OtherReserves
otherShorttermReceivables Andre tilgodehavender (kortfristede) Decimal OtherShorttermReceivables
pensions Pensioner Decimal PostemploymentBenefitExpense
plantAndMachinery Produktionsanlæg og maskiner Decimal PlantAndMachinery
profitFromOrdinaryOperatingActivities Resultat af ordinær drift Decimal ProfitLossFromOrdinaryOperatingActivities
profitLossFromAssociates Resultat af associerede virksomheder Decimal ProfitLossFromAssociates
profitLossFromGroupEnterprises Resultat af tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal ProfitLossFromGroupEnterprises
propertyCost Ejendomsomkostninger Decimal PropertyCost
propertyPlantAndEquipmentInProgressAndPrepaymentsForPropertyPlantAndEquipment Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver Decimal PropertyPlantAndEquipmentInProgressAndPrepaymentsForPropertyPlantAndEquipment
provisions Hensatte forpligtelser Decimal Provisions
provisionsForDeferredTax Hensættelser til udskudt skat Decimal ProvisionsForDeferredTax
reportingCompanyName Virksomhedens navn String NameOfReportingEntity
reserveForDevelopmentExpenditure Reserve for udviklingsomkostninger Decimal ReserveForDevelopmentExpenditure
result Årets resultat Decimal ProfitLoss
resultBeforeTax Årets resultat før skat Decimal ProfitLossFromOrdinaryActivitiesBeforeTax
retainedEarnings Overført resultat Decimal RetainedEarnings
revenue Omsætning Decimal Revenue
roi Investeringsafkast Percentage
salaries Lønninger Decimal WagesAndSalaries
shorttermDebtToBanks Kortfristet gæld til banker Decimal ShorttermDebtToBanks
shorttermDeferredIncome Kortfristet del af periodeafgrænsningsposter Decimal ShorttermDeferredIncome
shorttermInvestments Værdipapirer og kapitalandele Decimal ShorttermInvestments
shorttermLiabilities Kortfristede forpligtelser Decimal ShorttermLiabilitiesOtherThanProvisions
shorttermPartOfLongtermLiabilitiesOtherThanProvisions Kortfristet del af langfristet gæld Decimal ShorttermPartOfLongtermLiabilitiesOtherThanProvisions
shorttermMortgageDebt Kortfristet gæld til realkreditinstitutter Decimal ShorttermMortgageDebt
shorttermParticipatingInterests Kortfristede kapitalinteresser Decimal ShorttermParticipatingInterests
shorttermPayablesToGroupEnterprises Kortfristede gældsforpligtelser til tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal ShorttermPayablesToGroupEnterprises
shorttermPayablesToParticipatingInterest Kortfristet gæld til kapitalinteresser Decimal ShorttermPayablesToParticipatingInterest
shorttermPrepaymentsReceivedFromCustomers Kortfristede forudbetalinger fra kunder Decimal ShorttermPrepaymentsReceivedFromCustomers
shorttermReceivables Tilgodehavender Decimal ShorttermReceivables
shorttermReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises Kortfristede tilgodehavender hos tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal ShorttermReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises
shorttermReceivablesFromParticipatingInterests Kortfristede tilgodehavender fra kapitalinteresser Decimal ShorttermReceivablesFromParticipatingInterests
shorttermReceivablesFromOwnersAndManagement Kortfristede tilgodehavender hos irksomhedsdeltagere og ledelse Decimal ShorttermReceivablesFromOwnersAndManagement
shorttermTaxPayables Kortfristet skyldig skat Decimal ShorttermTaxPayables
shorttermTaxPayablesToGroupEnterprises kortfristet selskabsskat (skyldig) til tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal ShorttermTaxPayablesToGroupEnterprises
shorttermTaxReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises Kortfristet tilgodehavende skat hos tilknyttede virksomheder Decimal ShorttermTaxReceivablesFromGroupEnterprises
shorttermTradeReceivables Tilgodehavender fra salg og tjenesteydelser Decimal ShorttermTradeReceivables
shorttermTradePayables Gæld til leverandører Decimal ShorttermTradePayables
socialSecurityExpenses Andre omkostninger til social sikring Decimal SocialSecurityContributions
solvencyRatio Solvensgrad Percentage
submittingCompanyCVR Indsendende virksomheds CVR Integer IdentificationNumberCvrOfSubmittingEnterprise
submittingCompanyName Indsendende virksomheds navn String NameOfSubmittingEnterprise
supplementaryInformation Fremhævelse af forhold i regnskabet List of supplementary information (String) SupplementaryInformationOnAuditorsReview
taxExpense Skat af årets resultat Decimal TaxExpense
typeOfAuditorAssistance Type af revisorbistand String TypeOfAuditorAssistance
typeOfBasisForModifiedOpinion Type af grundlag for konklusion String TypeOfBasisForModifiedOpinionOnAuditedFinancialStatements

Extra features

Get non-yearly reports

you can specify that you want to retrieve non-yearly reports as well, using the queryparameter onlyYearly=false. This will include quarterly and bi-annual reports in the results alongside the yearly reports.

Currency conversion

It is possible to request currency-conversion to DKK by adding parameter convertToDkk=true, in which case the field convertedFromCurrencies will contain the conversion rates used (if any).

Retrieve additional fields

If the field you are looking for is not included in our list of fields, you can provide a list of additional XBRL fields in your request. This can be done either by switching to a POST request and including a JSON list of XBRL names in the body, or by providing a query parameter to the GET endpoint, like so:

    ... normal report data ...,
    additionalFields: {
        MyCustomXBRLField: { // see list below for the available fields
            "unit": "DKK", // the reported currency or unit.
            "value": 1568076, // the value of the reported key figure. Type can vary depending on the type of the key figure.
            "sources": ["MyCustomXBRLField"], // The XBRL-field(s) used to obtain this key figure.
            "calculation": null, // if calculated field, the calculation will be included here.
            "possibleError": false,
            "error": false
        MyCustomXBRLField2: null


To search for companies or people, use the following endpoint:

    "companies": {
        "continuationToken": "MnwzfExBU1NPfGFjdGl2ZXxGYWxzZQ==",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "totalPages": 4,
        "results": [{
                "foundByName": "LASSO X A/S",
                "status": "NORMAL",
                "lassoId": "CVR-1-34580820",
                "name": "LASSO X A/S",
                "entityType": "Company",
                "address1": "Rådhuspladsen 37",
                "postalCode": 1550,
                "city": "København V",
                "country": "Danmark",
                "score": 26.295444
            }, {
                "foundByName": "Lasson Mechanics A/S",
                "status": "Aktiv",
                "lassoId": "CVR-1-78632952",
                "name": "Lasson Mechanics A/S",
                "entityType": "Company",
                "address1": "Topgårdsvej 32",
                "postalCode": 3050,
                "city": "Humlebæk",
                "country": "Danmark",
                "score": 16.163883
            }, {
                "foundByName": "Lassolli ApS",
                "status": "NORMAL",
                "lassoId": "CVR-1-40577882",
                "name": "Lassolli ApS",
                "entityType": "Company",
                "address1": "Gaden 45",
                "postalCode": 2150,
                "city": "Nordhavn",
                "country": "Danmark",
                "score": 15.844145
        "page": 1,
        "pageSize": 3,
        "resultsFound": 12,
        "resultsReturned": 3
    "people": {
        "continuationToken": "MnwzfExBU1NPfGFjdGl2ZXxGYWxzZQ==",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "totalPages": 1375,
        "results": [{
                "companies": [{
                        "lassoId": "CVR-1-77777777",
                        "name": "Butikken IVS"
                "totalCompanyCount": 1,
                "relationsOmitted": false,
                "lassoId": "CVR-3-2267399262",
                "name": "Peter Lasso",
                "entityType": "Person",
                "address1": "Gågaden 23",
                "postalCode": 2800,
                "city": "Kongens Lyngby",
                "country": "Danmark",
                "score": 11.58017
            }, {
                "companies": [{
                        "lassoId": "CVR-1-11111111",
                        "name": "Firmaet ApS"
                    }, {
                        "lassoId": "CVR-1-22222222",
                        "name": "Best Company IVS"
                "totalCompanyCount": 2,
                "relationsOmitted": false,
                "lassoId": "CVR-3-999999999",
                "name": "Lasse Simonsen",
                "entityType": "Person",
                "address1": "Magigade 33",
                "postalCode": 8831,
                "city": "Tømmerup",
                "country": "Danmark",
                "score": 10.815821
            }, {
                "companies": [{
                        "lassoId": "CVR-1-12121212",
                        "name": "THE SHOP APS"
                "totalCompanyCount": 4,
                "relationsOmitted": false,
                "lassoId": "CVR-3-736236383",
                "name": "Lasse Ramstrup",
                "entityType": "Person",
                "address1": "Løbegaden 50",
                "postalCode": 2500,
                "city": "Valby",
                "country": "Danmark",
                "score": 10.815821
        "page": 1,
        "pageSize": 3,
        "resultsFound": 4124,
        "resultsReturned": 3

This endpoint will return a list of companies and/or people that match the query. It will include a score that indicates how well the company or person matches your result --- the higher the better. The general idea is that this functionality be used to create search functionality, after which you can retrieve the actual data for a company you require using the LassoId.

Note that we search in both primary names as well as historic and alternate names, meaning that a search for an old name can result in the current name being returned, in which case the name we found the company by will appear in the foundByName property.

If there are more pages of results than can fit in one request, you will be given with a continuationToken for companies and people (they will be the same) that you can use to retrieve the next page using the cToken parameter.

You can modify the amount of results per page using the pageSize parameter, and you can add the type parameter to specify the type of search, with possible values company, person, and all. You can also specify the status of a company by using the status parameter to specify whether to return either active, inactive, or all.

In addition to this, you can add the following filters to the query itself using the syntax filtername:value after the query:

Filter Description Type Example
company Related Company Name (Person only) String query=Jeppe company:Lasso X
city The city String query=lasso x city:københavn
postalcode The postal code Integer query=lasso x postalcode:2200
street The street name String query=lasso x street:Nørrebrogade
streetno The street number String query=lasso x streetno:36
floor The floor of the building String query=lasso x floor:st
side The sidedoor of the floor String query=lasso x side:th
protected Commercially protected (Company only) Boolean query=lasso x protected:false
email The e-mail String query=lasso x
telephone The telephone number String query=lasso x telephone:71747812
cvr Related CVR number Integer query=lasso x cvr:23452345

Note that you can combine any number of these filters, e.g. query=Kiosk city:København street:Nørrebrogade.

In addition to the basic name searches, you can search for CVR numbers or LassoIds, as well as phonenumbers, in which case we will check both in the CVR registry AND in Danish teledata for companies with a matching phonenumber.

Getting changes (Delta)

Have you seen our monitoring service?

While polling the data might be required for some cases, constantly asking for changes has a huge overhead. With our monitoring services, you can get real-time updates when changes occur, pushed directly to you. For more information, see our Monitoring documentation

Sometimes it is necessary to know what entities have changed since a specific date. This is useful for instance if you have service that continuously updates your database with the newest changes from CVR. As with basic information, you can retrieve both the current values and the historic values, the latter by appending /history.


The following parameters are available for all delta endpoints

Name Type Description
since Datetime The minimum value for update time
max Datetime The maximum value for update time (optional)
pageSize Integer The number of results returned
cToken String The continuation token to use

Basic info

To get the data that have been updated since a certain date, use the following endpoint



When scrolling through reports, you can either ask for the full report, or just for the metadata.


You can include the parameter 'metadataOnly=true' to receive only the metadata-fields of the report. See here for details on metadata.


Regardless of which data you request, you will receive a scrolled result, including a continuationToken, an indicator of whether or not there is a next page, and variouts counts. Scrolled indicates that you can scroll to the next page, but cannot scroll back, due to limitations in the CVR registry.

    "continuationToken": STRING,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "totalPages": 32,
    "results": [
        ... list of requested entities here ...
    "page": 1,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "resultsFound": 3200,
    "resultsReturned": 100

If there are more results than can fit in a single request, you will be given a ContinuationToken that can be provided with the queryparameter cToken to retrieve the next page. Unfortunately, we are limited by the CVR registry in this regard, and the ContinuationToken will only be valid for 3 minutes, so ensure your pageSize is small enough that you can handle the results in under that time. Also note that repeated requests with the same cToken will continue the paging, but will not increment the page number. This is due to limitations in the CVR registry, and we advise to always use the returned continuationToken, and only once.


Below are the possible values for various fields, such as status and form codes.

Company Status

Name Description
Aktiv An 'Active' Company. This value is used for companies that do not have an actual status, such as personally owned companies.
Fremtid This status indicates that a company is set to be Active 'In the future'. Typically when a personally owned company registers that it's starting in the future.
NORMAL This indicates a company in 'NORMAL' state.
Ophørt This status is used for some company types such as personally owned companies, where it indicates that it is no longer active.
OPLØST The company has ceased operations.
OPLØSTEFTERERKLÆRING Company has been closed after decree by the owners.
OPLØSTEFTERFRIVILLIGLIKVIDATION Company has been dissolved voluntarily.
OPLØSTEFTERFUSION Company has merged with another company.
OPLØSTEFTERGRÆNSEOVERSKRIDENDEFUSION Company has merged with a foreign company.
OPLØSTEFTERKONKURS Company has gone bankrupt.
OPLØSTEFTERSPALTNING Company has split into other companies.
SLETTET Company has been deleted. This is typically used for more technical reasons, such as errorneous data.
TVANGSOPLØST Company is being forcibly closed. For instance, if the company did not hand in their yearly report in time.
UDENRETSVIRKNING Company is set to be created in the future. This status is used for companies that have a status, as opposed to 'Fremtid'.
UNDERFRIVILLIGLIKVIDATION Company is undergoing liquidation.
UNDERKONKURS Company is undergoing bankruptcy.
UNDERREASSUMERING or UNDERREASUMMERING Company is being reopened temporarily. Both statuses exist in CVR.
UNDERREKONSTRUKTION Company is being reopened.
UNDERTVANGSOPLØSNING Company is undergoing a forced closure.

Company Forms

Code Short Description Long Description Percentage of active companies as of march 2021
10 ENK Enkeltmandsvirksomhed 34.3%
15 PMV Personligt ejet Mindre Virksomhed 4.2%
20 DØD Dødsbo 0.3%
30 I/S Interessentskab 2.4%
40 K/S Kommanditselskab < 0.5%
45 MSS Medarbejderinvesteringsselskab < 0.5%
50 PAR Partrederi < 0.5%
60 A/S Aktieselskab 4.2%
70 KAS Kommanditaktieselskab/Partnerselskab < 0.5%
80 ApS Anpartsselskab 33.9%
81 IvS Iværksætterselskab 3%
90 FON Fonde og andre selvejende institutioner 0.9%
95 TRU Trust < 0.5%
100 EFO Erhvervsdrivende fond < 0.5 %
110 FOR Forening 4.5%
115 FFO Frivillig forening 9.8%
130 ANS Andelsselskab (-forening) < 0.5%
140 ABA Andelsselskab (-forening) med begrænset ansvar < 0.5%
150 FBA Forening eller selskab med begrænset ansvar 0%
151 SMA Selskab med begrænset ansvar < 0.5%
152 FMA Forening med begrænset ansvar < 0.5%
160 EØF Europæisk Økonomisk Firmagruppe < 0.5%
170 FAS Filial af udenlandsk aktieselskab, kommanditaktieselskab < 0.5%
180 FAP Filial af udenlandsk anpartsselskab eller selskab < 0.5%
190 FBA Filial af udenlandsk virksomhed med begrænset ansvar < 0.5%
195 SCE SCE-selskab 0%
196 FCS Filial af udenlandsk SCE-selskab 0%
200 FUV Filial af udenlandsk virksomhedsform < 0.5%
210 UDL Anden udenlandsk virksomhed 0.6%
220 FEØ Fast forretningssted af Eurpæisk økonomisk Firmagruppe < 0.5%
230 STA Statslig administrativ enhed < 0.5%
235 SOV Selvstændig offentlig virksomhed < 0.5%
245 REG Region < 0.5%
250 KOM Primærkommune < 0.5%
260 FKI Folkekirkelige Institutioner < 0.5%
270 EUO Enhed under oprettelse i Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen 0%
280 ØVR Øvrige virksomhedsformer 0.5%
285 FIV Særlig finansiel virksomhed < 0.5%
290 E/S SE-selskab < 0.5%
291 FES Filial af SE-selskab < 0.5%
990 UOP Uoplyst virksomhedsform < 0.5%

Employee Intervals

Code Interval
0 0 - 0
1 1 - 1
2_4 2 - 4
5_9 5 - 9
10_19 10 - 19
20_49 20 - 49
50_99 50 - 99
100_199 100 - 199
200_499 200 - 499
500_999 500 - 999
1000_999999 1000+

Unit Type

Type Description
PERSON A Person.
PRODUKTIONSENHED A production unit of a company.
ANDEN_DELTAGER All other types, typically a foreign person or a foreign company.